Sunday was nothing but gray skies and rain. And in the early morning hours, snow covered the grasses. However, that soon melted. I've got puddles in the driveway - yea!
I happened to have three logs of dry wood left in the wood box, and it felt mighty good to put them in the wood stove for a warm fire; the house heated up nicely. felt cozy.
Cozy enough to want to cuddle up with some knitting.
The dragonfly sock #1 is coming along...I'm finally past the gusset and am moving toward the toe. I'm continuing the lacy pattern down the top of the foot, which I think looks so pretty. The color changes in the yarn don't really show off the dragonfly pattern as nicely as a solid color, but it looks nice just the same.
Rain in the high plains...and yarn running through fingers - both are welcomed!