Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Another Summer Wedding...

The aisle leading to the arch.

Dad escorting the bride down the aisle.

What a treat to be a guest of yet another summer garden wedding!  Saturday’s wedding united two wonderful young adults, Laura and Cody, and I was blessed to have worked with them both in high school.  They love working with horses and are fortunate to be launching into careers that put them in the horse arena!  The song sung at their wedding by the groom’s mother identified the bride and groom as the “Cowboy and the Angel,” which fits them perfectly.

See the picture of the two dogs? One served as flower girl; the other, as ring bearer.  

It was the cutest thing ever when it was time for the rings to be exchanged.  Cody gave a whistle, and the faithful, four-legged “ring bearer” bounded down the aisle and laid at Cody’s feet while he untied the rings from the dog’s collar.

   This sweet companion led the couple back up the aisle after the vows were spoken and the kiss sealed the deal.

1 comment:

  1. It's the personal touches that make a wedding memorable.
