Friday, May 22, 2015

Recital time

Last Friday I hosted a recital for all my private music students.  All but two students were able to attend and perform.  I was thinking I'd need seating for 40; but as it turned out, it was more like 60.  We were scrambling for anything to sit on!  It was a tight fit in the recital room!  Fortunately, we had plenty in the refreshments department and didn't run out.  Jane made the cutest sugar cookies, and I got a picture of a couple "notes," although she had also made little guitars (so cute).

I was too busy to take pictures, so these couple will have to do.  It all went well.  Most of the students are young, and this was their first recital.  It's so cute to see them give their first formal performance!  Love it. 


  1. You are starting them down the road of confidence and love of music. There is nothing sweeter than that....except maybe those cookies!

  2. Glad that the recital went well and that your students were able to perform for a large crowd.

  3. I LOVE frosted cookies. You know my Christmas cookie cravings...
    Your NOTES are so sweet. Glad your recital was wonderful!!!

  4. how fantastic! arts and culture are such a those cookies!
